
Hey, I'm Kien Vu, an analyst and blogger

I use data to solve real world problems

Get in touch: email | twitter | blog | github


Open source project

tabint - Tabular data interpretation and explanation

hermesql - python SQL query builder

Business Intelligence


The combination of Microsoft’s BI tool and open source library to solve real world business problem.


Power BI, Excel, Python; hermesql, tabint


Luxstay - Vietnam’s #1 homestay platform

Aharooms - Biggest convenient hotel chain in Vietnam

Hoozing - The leading Proptech company in selling and leasing real estate

Weva - The most reputable social network beauty consulting and cosmetic warranty in Vietnam

Data science

Customer churn analysis

Using consumer data and behavior model to predict customer churn and then improve customer retention.

Foody comment analysis

Using data from comment on foody and deep learning to build a simple recommendation system.

Credit default risk

Using credit history to predict the capable of repaying a loan.

Toxic comment classification

Built a multi-headed model that’s capable of detecting different types of toxicity like threats, obscenity, insults, and identity-based hate.


“If you’re not having fun, you’re not learning”, So I created a repository to remember moments of joy along the data science journey

Data visual perception

A series of using visualization knowledge to get insight from data


Business Intelligence

Cách cấu trúc và tái sử dụng câu lệnh SQL

Xây dựng hệ thống báo cáo BI trong doanh nghiệp

Data science

The dirtiest job in 21 century

Những điều tôi làm trong thời Covid-19

Lần đầu tham gia kaggle

Tôi học được gì khi tự viết một thư viện

Cách hiệu quả đề truyền đạt kiến thức về machine learning

Cách tiếp cận khi xây dựng mô hình dự báo

Làm thế nào để chọn tập kiểm định (validation set) tốt